The Inevitable Descent

I was dreaming of being raped by my best friend last night. But for some reason, it didn't came as a surprise to me, rather it feels like an inevitability. Like slowly descending into the abyss.

It was a dark and gloomy bedroom and she was sleeping beside me. But not really sleeping because I felt a sense of urge in her, like she is not in control of herself.

She started by licking my neck slowly. The detail of that event was hazy as I can't quite remember my dream, as most people do, but I do remember the feeling of being raped. Like I have no control over the situation and I can only accept that.

But then, all of a sudden, she transformed herself into a monster with multiple knives as her face. Her entire body also transformed into an indescribable monster, as if coming straight from H.P. Lovecraft's books. I vaguely remember the form of a vagina dentata, and I do remember the feeling of hurt - it hurts a lot.

Weirdly enough, it actually snap my mind and I regain my sense of control again. I vaguely remember what I said to her, "I understand your pain, your addiction to sex is eating you, but I want to tell you that this is not the way."

Then, I tried to call her name, but oddly enough it was not her name, it's actually my girlfriend's. Apparently, my girlfriend heard my calling so she woke up, revealing that the three of us were sleeping in the same room (for some reason). She tried to calm my friend, who was still in her monsterized form, and it worked. My friend regained her composure and also her form.

And that's all I can remember from my dream.

It feels so absurd in so many way and I'm not the type to remember most of my dream. This dream leaves a huge impression as I woke up. I was left pondering what the hell was that suppose to mean.

I looked up on the internet, searching about "dream of being raped by woman (for man)" and sure enough I found a lot of materials, mostly quoting Freud. This was what I found:

"What is the dream psychology on rape dreams? For a female, Freud believed a “rape” dream was a representation of possible sexual fears. For a man, it is connected to a symbol of feeling destroyed or controlled by another."
"Dreaming of being raped by a demon is a psychic dream that indicates that your soul is trying to find ways to control someone's inappropriate behavior in life. You have some fear or worry that someone in waking life will take the "control" away from you."

"...a man dreaming of being raped by women (if you are a man) is all about "control" in waking life. It can indicate that you have the personality to take charge of the world around you. At the very least, this dream has materialized in the subconscious mind because there has been doubting over controlling some situation through the force of your own personality."
All quotes taken from Aunty Flo's Dream Dictionary

It appears that dream of being raped has a lot to do with losing your sense of control in waking life. I'm not sure how true it is, because I always believe that I have no control over my fate. I always believe that everything we do as a species is meaningless in cosmic sense.

However, if what the quotes above said is true, then it might be that there is a strong desire within myself that wants to take control over things and that I began to losing it. I suppose it might explain the inevitable feeling that I felt while in that dream.


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